Monday, July 26, 2010

Frantiska Rauscher aka Frances Ryska

Frantiska Rauscher is the sister to William Anton Rauscher. She went by Frances once in the United States.

Oil Field Work

Joe spent some time away from Hazel. He was apparently workingfor Nevada Petroleum in Coalinga, California. I don't know if this coincides with his service time.

I have three copies of the same post card. The caption on one reads: "This picture taken Christmas afternoon. Shows front of the office and your Big Brother Sluester." I don't know positively who the card was intended for, but I can guess Emma.

"Dear Papa and Mama,
Herewith a picture of the office. His nibs standing up and one of the mining engineers sitting down. Taken on Christmas morning. Note how fat I have gotten. Also note the door wide open in December. Joe"

"Dear Darling Hazel,
Just a little photo taken Christmas morning of myself and one of the Engineers. This is the office of Nev. Pet Co. Some Building. What?
Will write tomorrow morning.

"Dear Carl, Ask Hazel who she could love in their pictures."
"Just a friendly bunch of Indians. The young fellow holding the dog is Captain of Baseball team. Mostly Eastern boys and a fine bunch. xo his nibs Production Foreman."

"This is a Rotary drilling well. In drilling the hole the bit turns around. They drill 2500 ft deep with there well drill."

"This is a boiler plant. Every well has a boiler plant . ? From 2 to 4 boilers. This furnished steam and pump the oil from the well."

"This picture shows the men building a new bunk house on a Sec. 18 Nev. Pet Co.
Papa & Mama, The well you see in the middle makes 500 Barrells of oil every day."

A first postcard identifies the men:
"Beginning at the left the men are:
Mr. Coorerrt--Drilling Boss
Mr. Kerwin--Warehouse or storekeeper, from Chicago.
Mr. Brey--Engineer
Mr. Haseltine -- Superintendent.
Mr. Wilson--Kneeling down, bookeeper from New York
Mr. Kurnow-- Bookeeper Behind the trees.
Mr. H. Haseltine--superintendint's brother--a driller.
Mr. Baker--Oil Commissioner.

"I don't know whether I sent you one of these pictures or not but if you don't want this one, give it to Flo. Don't get sore.
Haze the young fellow marked x is sure none clars. He is from chicago. Just 23 years old and etc. etc. " (My note: sorry I can't read it better than that.)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hazel, Joe and friends

Unknown females, Hazel and Joe Rauscher

Card from William Rauscher to Emma (daughter)

This card was included in the stacks of pictures I received...

From William to daughter Emma.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Water Fight

Hazel and Joe and some friends had a water fight.

From caption on extra picture:
Madeline, and Flo against Mrs. Starr and myself.

From Caption on duplicate card:
Left to Right:
Mr. Starr, Flo, Madeline, Mrs. (Hazel) and Nemo (Joe)

After the water fight the girls appeared to have changed into dryer clothes.

William and Carolina Rauscher