Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby Rauscher

According to note on back of picture, died three days after birth.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rauscher 13th South Gathering

Hazel Rauscher (center top row), Joe Rauscher (center bottom row), Emma Rauscher (bottom right corner).
Caption reads:
Taken at Grandpa Rauscher's home on 13th So. in S.L. Emma & Joe Rauscher on bottom row. Hazel Rauscher in center, dressed in dark color. Others must have been friends, unidentified.

Back row L-R: unknown, unknown, Hazel Edith Slater Rauscher, unknown, unknown, unknown
Middle row: unknown
Front row L-R: Emma Rauscher Olsen, unknown, Joseph Charles Rauscher, unknown, unknown

Monday, February 22, 2010

Miniature Golf Course

unknown, Gwen Rauscher, Joseph Charles Rauscher, unknown

The story I got was Ray and Don built a miniature golf course near their home. Joseph (their dad) took it over and added a few improvements and started charging admission. I'm surmising this is a picture of the course.

William Rauscher and granddaughter

Caption on back reads:
Grandpa Rauscher holding Snookie, no Pa's not mad he's laughin. Snookies whistling to the birds, what?

Taken about 1915.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Margaret Grange Slater

Margaret Grange Slater - first wife of Joe Slater Jr.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Joseph Slater Sr.

Joseph Slater Sr.

Slater Children

(Back row center) Hazel Slater others unknown
(Bottom row) Ruby and Ray Slater

Esther and Mary Clark

May (Mary?) and Esther Clark my great, great-grandmother's half sisters.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Martha Griffiths Slater

Martha Griffiths Slater wife of John Charles Slater

Edith and Hazel Clark pt. 2

Edith Martha Clark, Hazel Edith Slater

Friday, February 5, 2010

William S. Clark Birthday Party

William S. Clark's birthday

From caption:
Front row: Don, Gwen Rauscher, Emil's children (Emmal), Ray Rauscher
Back Row: Royal, Raymond & Edna Clark

I'm missing some information here, so if anyone has better knowledge, please comment.